Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tuesday, July 6th (Day 11)

6:40 AM
Today began at four thirty this morning. James says there's this amazing campsite at Tooth Ridge, and our crew is trying to beat everyone else there. I think we'll make it there first. All four of our troop's crews will meet there, and together, we'll all climb to the top of the Tooth of Time. Tomorrow we all hike into Base Camp as a troop... it's an ongoing tradition Troop 520 has.

10:47 AM
Or crew leader was right about the awesome campsite. Here we've got ten stone lounge chairs (no, really!) and we are surrounded by these crazy cool climbing rocks. Yeehaw! Apparently, there's a latrine that looks over Base Camp, and I here it's a great view... a little awkward, but kinda cool.

It was actually worth getting up at 4:30 AM to get this campsite (I think it was either #11 or #13, but I'm not totally sure...). I'll just say that it was the best campsite of the entire trek, thought maybe I'm just saying that 'cuz I'm addicting to climbing stuff.

Okay, the Ginormous climbing rocks were awesome!!! It was like they were made for climbing on. There were so many ledges, handholds, footholds, cubbyholes, and everything good for climbing on. There was this tunnel/cave thing that you could crawl through , and it was all so big. After lunch, we started climbing some, and then it started raining real fast. It's nice how the rain always encourages us to work faster than normal.

I'm not exactly sure why we were climbing with all of those clouds over head, or why we didn't set up our tents first... go figure. While it was raining me, Chris, Dakota, and Christian played a few card games. We tried poker, but soon realized it was pointless without anything to bet with. We then began playing a game some people call 'Liar', and man, was that the funnest (and funniest) card game I've ever played. We all nearly died laughing. Oh, and we played a few crazy rounds of Spoons (or, 'Sticks', as it was).

There really isn't away for me to describe just how great the climbing rocks/mountains were. We only ever explored a few parts of it, and it nearly wore me out (not to brag, but that's saying something!). At one point, I did this insane Ninja-run thing along the top of this really long ledge that dropped off on one side and was super steep on the other. Talk about adrenaline! We really should have had ropes and harnesses and stuff up there... or at least helmets!

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