Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tuesday, June 29th (Day 4)

9:08 AM
Let me fill in what we did yesterday. After we ate lunch at the top of Urraca Mesa (it's spelled with two 'r's), we hiked down along the switchbacks on the backside to camp. We set up pretty fast after we checked in at the Porch, and then we took part in the challenge activities they have at Urraca Camp. For that, our crew played 'Tank' (James was beast... and really funny to watch!) and a few team building games. That night, the staff hosted "Noodle Jousting" and James got second place.

Sometime, we're gonna have to play Tank and Noodle Jousting with the rest of our troop, 'cuz those games are just hilarious to watch and crazy to play. The jousting is really hard to referee though, (basically, you spin around ten times with a pool noodle on your forehead, and then try to sword fight each other), so that game should really be just for fun, not competition. James should have gotten first... but our guys knew who really won, so we didn't make a fuss.

10:21 AM
We have so far hiked three miles this morning. To get to our next camp, Miner's Park, we've had to hike back over Urraca Mesa, but it's been a lot easier going the other way. Keith left for Base Camp this morning. Everyone in our crew really liked Keith, and it was a bummer watching him go. We've got chances for spar-pole climbing and rock climbing/rappelling today. And hot showers tonight, too!

The last night before he left, Keith pulled out a pound cake and a tub of chocolate frosting as a surprise for us. In the morning, he gave me the leftover frosting, and I hid it for a couple of days. Mmmm, it was good! Don't worry; I shared with everyone else later.

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