Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday, July 3rd (Day 8)

7:45 AM
It only sprinkled a Little overnight. Right now, I'm sitting on a log at Comanche Creek Camp, passing the time while we wait for everyone to be fully packed. It's pretty chilly this morning. I put on my last pair of fresh socks this morning... here's hoping we get to shower and wash laundry soon. While it's true that I don't smell too pretty, it ain't horrible either. Having two outfits isn't too unmanageable; my only advice would be to wash everything every chance you get if you've got a sensitive nose.

6:38 PM
Hooray! The upset stomach that I've been dealing with for the past three days is finally gone. I ended up asking a staff member if they had any Pepto Bismal or anything, and he gave me something that worked wonder on my rebelling digestive tract. I celebrated with an extra pack of Nutter Butters, and it was so good! We pitched our tents and stuff at record-breaking speeds today due to the looming dark clouds and persistent drizzle, both of which ended about ten minutes after we finished putting up the dining fly. Personally, I thought our dinner of potatoes 'and beef ', rehydrated corn, and cookies was okay. We used a lot of hot sauce.... Since it was windy, James picked up the fire ring and moved it where he wanted it. Somebody was thinking outside the box. Today is Day Eight, and it's still awesome. (I must admit that it's a lot more enjoyable with a content stomach and non-aching back.). This far into the trek, it hasn't been really hot,k and it's only chilly in the mornings. The weather's almost always perfect, the scenery is more than I can say,and the outdoor peace and serenity is priceless.

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