Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, July 2nd (Day 7)

2:09 PM
I'm so disappointed that I only have one picture left on my camera, 'cuz the view from Mount Phillips is one of the most beautiful sights I've seen. I can't think of anything more awesome. We are actually having a really great meal at the summit (canned ham (yum!), crackers, trail mix (with REESE'S PIECES), a peanut butter Cliff bar, and some graham cracker bits. In a little while I might be able to call home and we'll be hiking down the steep side (ughhh...) shortly after. It was hard, but we have all made the summit.

Okay, the meal doesn't sound that great off the trail, but trust me, it was awesome! It was really funny when I had to hang up the phone... I was talking to one of my brothers when it started hailing, so I said in a hurried voice, "Hey, I gotta go now, it's hailing, bye!" *click* Apparently I didn't worry them too much, but I figured it would a little bit. By the way, neither side of Mt. Phillips was that hard.

4:45 PM
Luckily, I was able to call my family before it started raining and hailing on us. I felt bad that I couldn't talk to everyone, though... I didn't have enough time! Everyone was doing fine, except that they were passing around a stomach virus, and our most recently added dog found a new home. My littlest siblings were watching "The Aristocats" when I called; I wasn't too surprised. It's only rained a little bit since Mt. Phillips, but the sky is still real cloudy, and we can hear thunder way off in the distance.

7:00 PM
Though it's still light outside, we're all trying to sleep already. Dakota and I were talking about a bunch of random stuff, like Colorado, our families, and the beach.

I got bored of writing and fell asleep. Oh well; I don't have to share our private conversations after all. Bummer....

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